Friday, January 28, 2011

Nail Polishing Tricks

Ever apply polish at home and only have it last for a couple days? Wish it could last at home like it does when you go for a manicure? Well, fear not! Here are some tips and tricks for applying polish at home, so it can last like it does after a mani!

1.   When polishing your nails, start with a base coat. They create a sticky adhesive for the nail polish to adhear to. The base coat will help protect and strengthen your nails. Base coats contain neutrients such as aloe, vitamin E, and or calcium, which all help to prevent dry brittle nails, splitting and breakage. Base coats will also help from staining your nails when using a dark colours.

2.   Finish with a top coat. Not only do they add gloss and sheen to the nails, but they also act as a  protective barrier, preventing the polish from chipping and fading. If you want your polish to last longer after a manicure, apply a top coat every day.

3.   When applying nail polish, you should apply in several thin coats, instead of thicker coats. 2 coats usually work best, but some may need 3 coats. After your last coat of nail polish, lightly skim your brush across the top of your nail, this help in preventing chipping.

4.   For faster drying, simply run your hands under cold water to speed up the drying process. It may look like your nail polish is dry, but remember, nail polish usually take a full 12 hours to fully cure. (dry) So to prevent your nail polish from getting all dinged up and smeared, take it easy for a bit and wear gloves when doing your household choirs.

5.   Don't shake your nail polish before using. I know it may be a habit to some of you, but when you shake your nail polish it causes air bubbles in the bottle, which can end up on your nails. Instead, roll the bottle upside down in the palm of you hands. This will make those small metal balls in the bottle roll around and mix the polish up before you apply it.

6.   If you accidentally dinged up your nail while waiting for it to dry, an easy fix is to apply a little nail polish remover to your finger tip and gently rub the area to smooth it back out, then reapply with polish if needed.

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