Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tips and Tricks Before and After your Waxing Session

Waxing is a great way to remove unwanted face and body hair because it leaves your skin smooth and hair free for weeks at a time (an average of 3-6 weeks, depending on how fast you hair growth rate is, which will decrease with regular waxing)

A lot of people are afraid to even try waxing, and won't even consider it at times because of the pain involved. But shaving constantly and having stubbly re-growth to contend with, and using messy depilatory creams aren't really that much fun either. With waxing, your hair grows back without the stubbly growth, and sometimes often grows in thinner and more fine with regular waxing.

Although there will be some discomfort involved, the pain is often not as awful as you imagine. In fact, it is over quite quickly and with regular waxing visits, the pain doesn't seem as bad for many. So when you get the courage to give it a try, you can realize that it's a practical way of removing hair!

Here are some hints and tips for you BEFORE your waxing appointment (to make it a little less painful!):

   1.  First things first.... make sure your have enough hair grown out before getting waxed. Your hair should be about 1/4" grown, as the wax may not pick up the hairs if it's any shorter. Now if the hair is longer than 1/4", it will be more painful to pull out, so for best results it's easy just to trim the hair.
   2.  If you are extremely sensitive, you can take an Advil, Asprin etc. before your appointment to help with the pain.  
   3.  For women, try to avoid booking your appointment around your period. Instead, try booking a week after your finished menstruating, as otherwise you may find the pain to be more uncomfortable.
   4.  Exfoliate!!! Exfoliating helps get rid of the dead skin, which can also help lift up all the hairs, so its easier to wax off the shorter ones.
   5.  And last but not lease... before waxing make sure you are not using any medications or creams that causes thinning of the skin (usually acne medications and or anti-age products) as it can cause extreme irritations and can lift a layer of skin. Usually these medications and creams contain Retin-A or Glycolic Acid, so the only thing I can suggest is to stop using the product 2 days prior, and start again 2 days after waxing. If your not sure or if you forget, I always make sure clients fill out a client card before waxing to see if you can qualify to get waxing done that day.

Alright, so now after you've had your waxing done, you may notice a bit of redness and bumps, but they will disappear within a few hours. Here are some hints and tricks to follow AFTER your waxing to maintain your beautiful wax job!!

   1.  Avoid going in direct sunlight and tanning bed for about 24 hrs. as this will cause burning and discoloration.
   2.  Do not bathe or shower in hot water. (will sting)
   3.  Avoid exercising and extreme heat after waxing as the heat and sweat can build up bacterial and can cause irritation and rashes since the pores will still be open.
   4.  Avoid using harsh lotions, soaps, perfumes and deodorants on treated areas for about 24 hours, instead apply a soothing lotion on the treated area such as Aloe Vera and use a cold compress if needed.
   5.  After 24 hours, when the skin has calmed down, use a loofah sponge and exfoliate to prevent ingrown hairs, and continue to use daily moisturizers!!

Hopefully these hints and tricks should help you before and after your waxing appointment!! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask or if you would like to book for a waxing appointment, call Jess at 519.323.4387 and check out the service menu for all waxing services and prices!!

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